
The Flash is funded mostly by donations and the occasional advertiser or grant. We are entirely run by volunteers, so every penny goes towards our overheads. Very kind one off donations can be made securely using the Paypal link below. Standing Orders via your bank account are also a very effective way of supporting The Flash. Monthly payments of whatever you can afford helps bring us a more stable income, allowing us to confidently plan for the future.

Standing Orders can be made to the following bank account –

Bank – Lloyds Bank

Account Name – The Flash On Air Limited

Account Number – 83057668

Sort Code – 30 99 50

Please e-mail ‘‘ if you set up a Standing Order with us, so we can thank you for your kind support.

Thank you for your continued support. Every penny helps to keep your radio station on air!.

You could also visit Our Merchandise page and support us by purchasing one of our Products. If you are a Flash fan with a business, then you may wish to give your support by purchasing advertising space with us. Please e-mail ‘‘ for more information.

As you know The Flash is very different to commercial radio.

First of all we really are local.

Our presenters are passionate about the music we play because it often comes from our own personal collections.

We don’t constantly interrupt your favourite shows with commercial breaks, but instead restrict commercial time to two minutes at the top of each hour.

The Flash supports the local music scene by sprinkling local acts throughout our output.

Our ‘Real Music’ policy is designed to surprise our listeners, rather than constantly rotate the same tired songs.

Everyone here are volunteers and there are no share holders, so this really is YOUR radio station.

But we can only ‘Dare to be different’ because of the support we get from listeners and our presenters. In fact The Flash would have closed in 2023 without the very kind support that came forward at that time. We will never forget that and sincerely thank you.